Our Founder and Creative Director Alessandro Ayanian goes into detail about the challenges of being a lighting designer.
“It’s not an easy industry. The struggles we face sometimes make it hard to survive but I think the efforts are always worth it in the end“.
“As a business owner and design director I’m grateful for the opportunity of being both a leader and a creative. I would just trade the headaches caused by the things I cannot control”.
“I need to accommodate my clients and at the same time provide for my team. Managing the cash flow effectively is one of the most important things a businessman can do to ensure the success of his business. However, actually doing it isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially if you have customers who rarely pay on time“.
“Chasing delayed payments is a difficult duty that no business owner enjoys. I just wish people would take this issue more seriously“.
With these words, Alessandro’s intention is to raise awareness of the seriousness of the issue as he’s hopeful for a change of the late payment epidemic so that small business founders do not spend so many hours chasing debt and worrying about cash flow on the back.
“I completed the service and the client is satisfied, so I am entitled to payment. And, more crucially, I have a legal right to be paid on time. We are not a financial institution“.